Sunday, April 27, 2008

Crossing The Road

Crossing the road. Yeah, I know, it's 'fake-not-real Mulder,' just wait for the film and you'll see the shot. Just remember to add snow in that imagination of yours. Lots of snow. Brrrrrrr

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Wrong House

This is the house used as the 'wrong house.'

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Snowy Field

The field as it was back in February, before the big snow melt. In this one, the barn is to the left. The top picture is shot from the road at the fence line where the snowmobile stunt drivers had fun and where we saw the helicopter shots. 

Helicopter/FBI Search Field

I've chosen this field picture for two reasons. First, this is the area used for the helicopter scene filmed with the FBI search team. If you watch the trailer you can identify this part of the field by the trees and mountains in the background. The picture following this one has a glimpse of the building further out, behind the trees, you can see in the trailer if you slow it down. Secondly, this is the field searched, though it is filmed coming from the other direction, looking out from the mountains towards the barn and road. 

You can see the white roof in the background; this is the building you glimpse in the trailer. 

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Red Barn

Though the field is now bare, this was the location of the FBI search, the one you see in the teaser. I've included this shot because along this fence line, which you can locate by the post visible above, is where the snowmobile riders had some fun with their machines. It made me nostalgic for my friend Kim's 'back 40,' and corn roasts in the dark of winter. Oh, and snowmobile fun. Lots of fun. 

Mulder and Scully Welcome You to Pemberton, BC

Mulder and Scully welcome you to Pemberton, British Columbia, home for the XF crew for approximately three weeks. Though the field is bare now, it was buried in snow back in February, 2008. This is the scene of the FBI field search, complete with helicopter. Did anyone else get a sense of deja vu upon seeing that helicopter flying overhead? It was all so . . . x-filey to me. Thrills and chills and smiles . . . oh my!